Python 2.7 13 for windows 10.Python for Windows

Python 2.7 13 for windows 10.Python for Windows

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Python 2.7 13 for windows 10 



Python 2.7 13 for windows 10. Python for Windows


This issue tracker has been migrated to GitHub , and is currently read-only. Created on by abkhd , last changed by admin. This issue is now closed. Lost your login? Python 2. I updated my Python 2. When I run it in Windows command prompt shell, Python prints the version header and then exits immediately. The same happens when Python is run from a powershell. I have no problems running ipython or jupyter notebook, however.

Because MSYS2 is fairly new and I think it might be more friendly to the encoding issues related to Windows shell programming. I have the same problem on 2 different systems with the win32 version in Windows The problem seems to go away when I start python -S so it has something to do with site.

Running "where python" shows that the updated python the one with the bug mentioned above is the one being run. Running python -c "import sys; print sys. Running "python -v" might show what the last thing it tried to do before exiting was. I enclose the output of "python -v". Where Python exits is of course indicated by the end of the file. However, there is no obvious error that is printed out.

Also it might be worthwhile to note that I cleared all compiled files left over from the previous Python 2. That unfortunately did not affect the buggy behavior. Do you have any Python environment variables set? Try uninstalling or updating it. Replacing pyreadline 2. I updated pyreadline to version 2.


- Download Python for Windows -

  Launch the installer from a Command Prompt, not from the GUI. In the "Select whether to install Python for all users of this computer" window, accept the. A program that lets you install Python on windows. Operating system: Windows. Publisher: Python Software Foundation. Version: (checksum). Install Python 2: Installation path: Install to a path without spaces, otherwise the Python installer does not install its Scripts folder, for example C:\.    


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    More from Data Science Follow. If the above commands run without problems python2 and python3 were successfully installed on windows 10 environment. Smart development environment PyChar. Based on a powerful editing. Open in app. In the same way as described in step 1 , download python3. Additionally, how to add python path in windows 10 will be discussed.


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